1. Caregivers—People, who are not the biological /adoptive parents, raising or helping to raise children. Often it is family members but also it can be family friends, neighbors, teammates, and church groups who contribute financially to activities. It is estimated that over 18 % of grandparents in the USA are raising their grandchildren. These are only numbers concerning grandparents— these numbers do not include extended family, friends and neighbors. Statistics on raising other people’s children very hard to verify due to the fluid nature of the situation.
2. Target Population–Any child under the age of 18 who is being raised by someone other than their biological/adoptive parents. The 2022 Census stats are not available due to the Covid pandemic but it is estimated that over 25 million children are in this situation.
3. Donors—Those who donate money to create opportunities for these children. All financial donations are tax deductible. Donors will provide finances, services or goods to the organization,
4. Founder and Board of Directors—– All fundraising and payments and will be conducted by the Founder and Board of Directors. An annual report will be published annually in February.
5. A Donation List will be maintained on this site. Donor may remain anonymous if desired.