I created this Nonprofit–-Investing in the Success of Kids.Inc, for very REAL reasons. Most Nonprofits are designed by people/groups who have experienced a set of needs and are looking to create solutions.
My personal story—–I adopted my daughter from the Dominican Republic as a single parent. Our lives were wonderful for several years. Life changed as so often happens and my daughter and I moved in with my father to care for him after the death of my mother. Life became very difficult for her because my attention was now shared. As a young adult, my daughter began to have children with support only from me, my sister and a circle of friends. I have always been able to provide for myself and my needs but with children to provide for the needs intensified,, Now I was dealing with social workers, lawyers, organizations that help “needy” people and relying on the generosity of my sister and friends. Seeing myself as a person who needs help was so foreign to me and it made me incredibly uncomfortable. I felt very isolated navigating through the demands of my life.
I was able to meet the financial needs of my first granddaughter . My approach to child rearing is to keep them as busy as possible. She plays softball, took dancing lessons, swimming/diving lessons, plays the saxophone, goes to camp and attends dog training sessions for our dog.
As I engage her in these activities, I often meet people in similar situations—grandparents, extended family members, and family friends who are supporting children who have similar needs. Some are rich and some are struggling to provide these extracurricular activities for children. The reasons people were helping these children varied. Drug/alcohol abuse, mental health issues and lack of sufficient employment for the parents of these children are some of the causes that create this situation. As I saw the needs consistently arise of those struggling to keep their kids busy the seeds of this nonprofit were sown,
Then COVID ————-school stopped, activities stopped, and the world changed. During this time, I became energized to create INVESTING IN THE SUCCESS OF KIDS, INC. It is my goal to fund raise and create a fund source that people who are raising other peoples children can utilize. So many people have helped me–I want people/organizations who donate to make their money tax deductible. I want caretakers to feel comfortable signing their children up for activities with the knowledge that they will be able to afford, instruments, uniforms, camps, teams etc. When the kids are active, busy and having fun they learn how to win, how to lose and can relax and enjoy themselves. My grandchildren are thriving and very happy for the most part—–I am still nervous about their future and my ability to meet their needs. I want other caretakers to feel their children are thriving and happy as well.
Inflation has impacted everyone: Camps–$1,000 for 2 weeks, softball bats –$100.00, saxophone–$1500.00, dance, costume and recital costs can be around $500,00. If you are supporting multiple children these activities can quickly become out of reach for children who need to be busy and productive,
My daughter is working hard to take care of herself and her girls. Meanwhile, they ,have been able to participate in the things that interest them, they work hard and play hard and they do not focus on problems. I did not feel I could wait for my daughter to be able to support these activities for the children. Their young years have been filled with opportunities to enjoy, learn and succeed at activities they love.
I am expecting my granddaughters to become productive, tax paying and ambitious adults who will “” PAY IT FORWARD “. The plan for the future of this Nonprofit will be in their hands to provide others with the opportunities that contributed to their success